Today I'm gonna post one of my favorite song, this song tells us about how to overcome our fears and don't you ever let your fear control your emotion and behavior. I'm always listening to this song when I get my feeling down, so that It can be classified as my motivations songs. When this song is played, my mood is changing drastically from sad condition to full of energy, there's no need to wait to get my energy back by doing some other alternative activities, so that I do choose one of my favorite activities as what I'm doing right now, it is translating these song lyrics into my Indonesian. One more time, I told you, I translated this song by not doing lyrics-by-lyrics translation, I do translating this based on what this song's meaning (Somehow every person still has different perspective while they are translating the songs)
Here it is my lyrics translations, I hope you'll enjoy and like it..... 

Naomi Scott - Speechless 

Here comes a wave
[ Datanglah sebuah gelombang ]
Meant to wash me away 
[ Yang bertujuan untuk menenggelamkan ku ] 
A tide that is taking me under
[ Sebuah gelombang yang menyeretku ke dalam air ] 
Swallowing sand
[ Menelan pasir ] 
Left with nothing to say
[ Meninggalkan ku tanpa kata - kata ] 
My voice drowned out in the thunder
[ Suara ku pun tenggelam dalam suara petir ]

But I won't cry
[ Tetapi aku takkan menangis ] 
And I won't start to crumble
[ Dan aku takkan pernah hancur ] 
Whenever they try
[ Kapanpun mereka mencoba ] 
To shut me or cut me down
[ Untuk membungkamku atau mencabik - cabik diriku ] 

I won't be silenced
[ Aku takkan berdiam diri ]
You can't keep me quiet
[ Kau takkan bisa membuatku terdiam ]
Won't tremble when you try it
[ Takkan gentar ketika kau mencoba untuk membungkamku ]
All I know is I won't go speechless
[ Semua yang ku tahu ialah Aku takkan berdiam diri ]

'Cause I'll breathe
[ Karena, aku akan tetap bernapas ] 
When they try to suffocate me
[ Ketika mereka mencoba mencekik ku ] 
Don't you underestimate me
[ Jangan pernah kau meremehkan ku ]
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless
[ Karena aku tahu, aku takkan berdiam diri ] 

Written in stone
[ Tertulis di sebuah batu ] 
Every rule, every word
[ Tiap aturan dan tiap perintah ] 
Centuries old and unbending
[ Berabad-abad lamanya dan tak terpatahkan ] 
Stay in your place
[ Tetaplah di sana ("aturan & perintah") ] 
Better seen and not heard
[ Lebih baik terlihat dan tak terdengar ] 
But now that story is ending
[ Tetapi sekarang cerita itu berakhir ]

NB : Aturan kaku yg sebelumnya tidak pernah terbantahkan akhirnya dapat dihilangkan/dihancurkan

'Cause I
[ Karena aku ]
I cannot start to crumble
[ Aku tak akan pernah hancur ]
So come on and try
[ Jadi datanglah dan coba... ]
Try to shut me and cut me down
[ Cobalah membunuhku dan mencabik - cabik diriku ]

I won't be silenced
[ Aku takkan berdiam diri ]
You can't keep me quiet
[ Kau takkan bisa membuatku terdiam ]
Won't tremble when you try it
[ Takkan gentar ketika kau mencoba membungkamku ]
All I know is I won't go speechless
[ Semua yang ku tahu ialah Aku takkan berdiam diri ]
[ Terdiam ]

Let the storm in
[ Biarkan badai itu datang ]
I cannot be broken
[ Aku tak akan hancur ]
No, I won't live unspoken
[ Tidak, Aku takkan hidup hanya berdiam saja ]
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless
[ Karena, aku tahu bahwa aku takkan pernah diam ]

Try to lock me in this cage
[ Mencoba mengunci ku di dalam "penjara" ini ]
I won't just lay me down and die
[ Aku tak hanya akan berbaring dan mati di sana ]
I will take these broken wings
[ Aku akan mengambil sayap yang hancur ini ]
And watch me burn across the sky
[ Dan lihatlah aku berjuang di atas langit ]
Hear the echoes saying I
[ Dengarlah gema suaraku, aku... ]

Won't be silenced
[ Takkan berdiam diri ]
Though you want to see me tremble when you try it
[ Meskipun kau ingin melihatku ketakutan ketika kau mencoba menakutiku ]
All I know is I won't go speechless
[ Yang ku tahu hanyalah, aku takkan terdiam ]
[ Terdiam ]

'Cause I'll breathe
[ Karena aku akan tetap bernapas ]
When they try to suffocate me
[ Ketika mereka mencoba mencekikku ]
Don't you underestimate me
[ Jangan pernah meremehkanku ] 
'Cause I know that I won't go speechless
[ Karena yang aku tahu bahwa aku takkan berdiam diri ]
All I know is I won't go speechless
[ Semua yang ku tahu hanyalah, aku takkan berdiam diri ]
[ Terdiam ]


I do my own translation without copying from the other translators who are translating the same song. 


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